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The anti-Russian, anti-Azerbaijani and anti-Iranian goals of the EU mission in Armenia are becoming obvious. Zakharova

We have repeatedly commented on the confrontational nature of this paramilitary presence of EU members on the territory of Armenia. Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, stated this at the weekly briefing, answering the question whether the Russian side notified Paris that it suspects European observers of espionage. we should not expect it," said Zakharova, noting that the Russian Foreign Ministry did not inform France about the espionage suspicions. According to him, Moscow has publicly and openly spoken about its negative attitude towards the EU mission in Armenia. "We have repeatedly commented on the confrontational nature of this paramilitary presence of EU members on the territory of Armenia. There's really no need to look anywhere for evidence, it's obvious. The anti-Russian, anti-Azerbaijani and anti-Iranian goals of this mission are becoming more and more obvious. And it became clearer when NATO countries that were not members of the EU began to join it." He noted that the region was already unstable, but there is an opportunity to stabilize the situation, to resolve the long-term crisis, to open up humanitarian communication between people and economic development. all possibilities. "And in general, bringing stability to the regional agenda and strengthening it there. Therefore, all the possibilities were there, the hard work began, which began to bear fruit. And this, of course, caused dissatisfaction in the West, which does not see this region as peaceful and safe," Zakharova said. The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry is confident that all issues in the South Caucasus should and can be resolved solely on the basis of the collective efforts of the regional countries. in their interests and without outside interference.

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