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Pashinyan will hold a closed meeting in Gyumri. what will they discuss?

We wrote that Nikol Pashinyan will visit Shirak region on October 18. It became known to that Pashinyan will hold a closed meeting in Gyumri on October 19, in which 7 to 8 people will participate.

Our source reports that only regional deputies and high-ranking officials participate in the meeting. The issue of changing the mayor of Gyumri will be discussed.

Let's remind that a few days ago, an arrest decision was made regarding the former mayor of Gyumri, Samvel Balasanyan, and the mayor of Gyumri also switched to remote management.

Our source reports that the CP members have a plan on how to achieve a change of power in Gyumri.


11 people were killed in an accident in Iran
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If Armenia decides to establish a dialogue with BRICS, it can rely on Russia's help. On the eyelids
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Putin and Pashinyan will communicate within the framework of BRICS
Long live the bicycle, long live Gyumri. Pashinyan's bicycle ride in Gyumri
I will also publish this. Pashinyan is preparing for a cycling race in Gyumri in the cold. Anna Hakobyan to Pashinyan
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Pashinyan will hold a closed meeting in Gyumri. what will they discuss?
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Putin and Pashinyan will communicate within the framework of BRICS

Long live the bicycle, long live Gyumri. Pashinyan's bicycle ride in Gyumri

I will also publish this. Pashinyan is preparing for a cycling race in Gyumri in the cold. Anna Hakobyan to Pashinyan

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