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"Now my house is in position, dear." Eduard Sianosyan was immortalized in Jermuk in 2022. on September 13. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

The age difference between Liana and her brother Eduard is not much, only two years. The sister is the eldest and remembers her brother's childhood and youth, every moment spent with him.

He says that his brother was born with great difficulty. "Eduard weighed 4.5 kilograms. Even at some point, the doctors faced a dilemma and turned to my father: either they had to save the mother's life or the child's.

But, fortunately, everything ended well, and the doctors did not have to make a choice," says Liana in a conversation with "Pasti".

Speaking about his brother's character, he notes that he was a very quiet, reserved, modest child. "He was never involved in disputes and fights. Never gave anyone a hard time as a child, it was the same as an adult. He was very secretive and you couldn't know anything from him.

He was the youngest, but I always reckoned with him, I couldn't do anything without his knowledge. He definitely had to speak his mind.

Maybe that maturity was also the reason why he liked to communicate with those older than him. He had a very mature way of thinking for his age." Eduard studied at the secondary school named after Margar Hovhannisyan in Little Vedu.

After receiving a nine-year education, he was admitted to the Artashat State College "Transportation Organization and Management in Transport" department. Liana says her brother did not study well.

"His love and interest were directed to cars, he wanted to master their repair. He always told me and my mother that after graduating from college, I would study in the "Black Building".

Already during the service period, they decided that they should go to Russia with some friends, they had an idea to start a business together. He said: "I will be mobilized, I will go to Russia, let's deal with the implementation of our idea, then I will move on to the rest of the issues."

Edward's goals were many, colorful, and an interesting life lay ahead. Eduard was drafted into mandatory military service in 2021. on March 11.

He served in Chambarak and then in Jermuk. Liana says that in 1995, when he was a conscript soldier, his father was shot in the head by an enemy shot in Aigepar.

"The family was informed of his death. But by the time my grandparents got to the hospital, thanks to the doctors, my dad seemed to have revived. On March 10, 2020, when there was still no war, my cousin Zohrab Sianosyan, who had just joined the military service, died in Yeraskh.

The enemy took him under target, he died instantly from the wound he received in the head. Two of his classmates died during the 44-day war.

Edward took their deaths unspeakably hard. Our cousin Narek Sahakyan was also killed in the 44-day war. Edward did not participate in any of the ceremonies, he said he could not see it all. He was in quite a difficult state psychologically.

Within him was the thought of revenge. He always said, "You know, if something happens, I won't come back, I'll go all the way." Liana says her brother's service went very well. "During the last vacation, when he had to return to the military unit, he was getting dressed quickly. My mother said, "Edo, why are you in such a hurry?" He replied, "Darling, I should get dressed and go home." Mama responded, this is your house.

My brother too. "Now my house is in position, my dear, until I am strengthened and come." No matter how much he came home, all the same, his consciousness and mind were at his place of service." in 2022 On the night of September 12-13, Azerbaijan launched an attack on Armenia from several directions.

The sister remembers that her brother was in positions for three months before that: "He was very tired, he said he couldn't stand it. He was demoted early, had problems with command, and was promoted back as punishment.

I blame them. if he had not been sent to positions then, my brother could be by my side now." The last conversation with Eduard took place on September 12. "That day was a dead day, we had to go to different places. And my brother seemed to always want to talk to us. During the call that evening, she wanted many different things from my father, food and other things.

He also bought everything to send to my brother early in the morning. But in the morning, everything got mixed up. On September 12, at 11:30 p.m., he called our cousin.

He served in Karchagbyur, he was a soldier for two months. He said: Gokor, the situation is mixed, if there is a war, don't be afraid suddenly, you will keep yourself strong. He was also talking to a friend. He had just been discharged from the army, he was in Russia. The friend said: Edo, you will keep yourself tight, you will be careful.

My brother responded: don't think, your brothers are strong, no Turk will be able to hit me." Eduard with his 9 combat friends was in combat position No. N of Jermuk. They swore that they will stay together until the end and will not back down. The boys waged an unequal battle against the enemy's army numbering several hundred, not giving up their position, not retreating.

"The road to Jermuk goes in front of their position. The boys fought bravely and kept Jermuk. The commander says that now we have Jermuk, we owe it to the guys in that position that they didn't allow the enemy to bring military equipment into the city." The boys were immortalized on September 13. And then the family sets out to find Edward. "We searched for him everywhere for 16 days.

When he didn't call and our calls went unanswered, my father and I seemed to realize that if he doesn't call, then he's gone. My mother waited, she didn't lose hope. Then we found a video on one of the social networks where the prisoners were. One of them was likened to my brother. That's when my parents decided to turn to the Red Cross. On the same day, when returning home, my father told my mother: let's also take an analysis, no matter how difficult it is for us. On September 29, we received a call that there was a match. My father recognized my brother." About the power to live. "I still don't accept his absence. I was in a very bad mental state for about a year, I didn't want to see anyone, talk to anyone. Then came the realization that today I am the hope and faith of my parents. I stood up because I could see that I would lose my parents, who were broken beyond words and my depression was making them even worse. Now I do everything to make them happy. I got a driver's license, I was admitted to a master's degree and I know that all this is very important for them, it gives them strength." H. G. - Eduard Sianosyan was posthumously awarded the "Combat Service" medal. Buried in Little Vedu Family Cemetery.

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