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The ideologue of "Real Armenia" and the real... reality. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

The fact that Nikol Pashinyan, who has plunged the country into a catastrophic state, and his propaganda machine on a daily basis paints some phantasmagorical picture of "real Armenia" and "feeds" the incorrigible gullible with it (if there are still any), is still one side of the issue. The other side is that the reality of Armenia, which has already come under security and ontological threats, and more precisely, brought in by the efforts of Pashinyan and the government led by him, is separated by an insurmountable chasm from the "real Armenia" of the author of "The Opposite Side of the Earth". And Pashinyan's "pearl-bright" speeches are not stops. He is particularly "excited" during government meetings, various conferences organized specifically for his speeches, and similar "casjonni" events. The day before yesterday, he really "shined" talking about emigration. In particular: "...Then it turns out that one emigrated because of his hairstyle, one emigrated because he hung vodka in his ear, one emigrated because he doesn't like hash, the other doesn't like kebab, etc." The fact that for Pashinyan the measuring unit of everything is the stomach and stomach, money and individual "kyar", is not only not new, but is also continuously confirmed by his speech. But this is still part of the tragedy of the situation. It is even more terrifying to realize that the state is led by someone whose mindset is, why would emigrants and representatives of the traditional Diaspora leave Armenia, leave their "hot places" and come, what to do, under fire and at the border? live on... And, at the same time, the same person, almost on the same day, gives a long-winded speech in another place and tells tales that Armenia will flourish in a different way in the coming years, will become a happy country, this, that. Yes, one more thing. Pashinyan, who has already ensured the personal well-being of himself and his close circle, declares that "when we say well-being, we must understand justice, freedom, security and other concepts derived from these three basic concepts." First, it is surprising that Pashinyan understood "prosperity" does not include democracy, peace, intersection, hash, kebab, fried beans and safe rice porridge. In general, well-being means the security of society, social group or individual in terms of meeting material, financial, social, spiritual and cultural needs. That's it. And it is unnecessary to burden that simple concept with "philosophical" or "oppositional" "judgments". Let's go back to emigration and make Pashinyan's words a little lighter. First of all, let's remind that when he was coming or came to power 6 years ago, he was very excited that there would be a wave of repatriation, there would be a massive influx and return of emigrants, this, that. In reality, Pashinyan and his government conducted and are conducting such a policy that emigration not only continues, but has also increased. By the way, in the case of the Pashinyan emigration, the biggest injustice is that there are not a few 2018-2021 immigrants among those who left. "the Nicolaitans". In other words, those who brought Pashinyan and kept him in power. But that's another thing. Let's record that Pashinyan and his CP have achieved the point of completely depopulating the Armenian and Armenian-speaking Artsakh for thousands of years. They made more than 150 thousand Armenians homeless and landless, and now Nikol Pashinyan is talking about emigration? Yes, not every person will want to live in a border settlement, especially when no one can be sure that tomorrow, the next day, or at midnight, Pashinyan and his government will not decide that the settlement belongs to the Turks or to the Azerbaijani Turks according to the "cadastre paper". and red-black berets will not make them homeless. And, finally, who is to blame for the fact that Armenia has now become almost borderline? Who created this disgraceful and catastrophic situation? Who made it so that people don't want to return, so that even Nikol Pashinyan says: come, what should they do? Yes, Nikol Pashinyan and the CP are to blame. Or are there other opinions? And Pashinyan announces without batting an eye, name 10 people who came to "live under gunfire". Alas, there are hundreds of such names in "Yerablur" tripled by Nikol Pashinyan alone... One can mention Monte, whose image, according to the propaganda of his foreign instructors, was "duplicated" by Pashinyan during the "velvet" days. We can remember another hero of the freedom struggle, Karo Kehkejian. Those who wish can remember other worthy Armenians from their acquaintances. We will also celebrate Captain Armenak Urfanyan, the immortal hero of the April 2016 war. We will celebrate Pashinyan's disavowal in Artsakh and the bright Andranik Hovsepyan who was killed in Haterk's positions in the "last and unequal battle" in Artsakh as a result of Pashinyan's disavowal, who was martyred on September 19-20, 2023... Our compatriots will celebrate many more who came from Russia, From Syria, USA, Lebanon, Iran. How many such people were there in Aghavno village handed over by Pashinyan, who came and lived, and who were made homeless due to the fault of the KPA authorities... The key question is that it is those types of Armenians who had an "Armenian dream", not like Pashinyan and the Pashinyans. those who see the "future of Turkification" for whom it is only important that their bellies are full. What dream, even more so, what idea for the stateless? And yes, it is quite legitimate that someone like Pashinyan cannot accept that there can be people like Ruben Vardanyan, who, according to the perception of the average consumer, have everything, including wealth, property, personal welfare etc. can come and endanger their life and everything. And, yes, it is legal that Pashinyan should have hit Ruben Vardanyan in the Baku prison from behind and not only him, "sprinkling" nonsense at him.



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