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"Fact". "Bicycle pain" - a strategic program?

"Fact" daily writes:

"Some time ago, "Fact" published information that the "bicycle pain" reached the school, that is, bicycles were allocated to a number of public schools in the region, and the principals were instructed to advertise the bicycle as appropriate.

In addition to the fact that our mentioned information was confirmed yesterday, it also became known that it has a continuation, that is, a second stage.

According to the official report, 6,500 bicycles were purchased by the state. In short, a "bicycle-friendly" strategic plan is being implemented at the taxpayers' expense.

Pashinyan thinks that this is the way to develop cycling in the country. This is the same if you distribute balls to schools and think that you are developing football. They also did and are doing "Prime Minister's Cup".

Again, naturally, at the expense of taxpayers. A few questions arise about all this. First, it seems that someone like "Firefighter Story" needs to "do a bike thing" in a hurry.

Secondly, huge state funds are spent on all this (including the "Prime Minister's Cup").

Doesn't our country have a problem spending money on something else? Third, what will they do with those bikes on country roads, how many days will they last? In short, many unanswered questions.

The important thing is that they brought the country to "cycling". But why only cyclists? What this government has brought is deep down "pain".


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