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The dates of the final exams of the 2nd exam period of 2024 are known

By the order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, the procedure and schedule for the organization and conduct of the 2nd exam period of 2024 (external) final exams were approved.

Accordingly, for the 2nd exam period, the final exams in the form of demonstration (external) will be held from June 3 to July 2, 2024 inclusive, at Yerevan High School No. 198 (Nor Nork administrative district, 9th block, Vilnius 13/1) :

In order to receive a certificate of basic education, during the 2nd exam period of 2024, students will pass exams in the subjects "Armenian Language", "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography of Armenia", "Geography", "World History". in writing, and "History of the Armenian Church", "Social Studies", "Informatics", "NDP and Safe Living", "Russian Literature" (for foreigners who have been taught in Russian), "Foreign Language" ("English", "French", " German", other languages ​​at the student's choice), "Armenian history", "Literature", "Russian language" subjects exams - oral.

In order to obtain a certificate of secondary education, during the 2nd exam period of 2024, candidates for "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography", "Armenian history", "Mathematics", "Armenian language and Armenian literature", "Russian language" , "World History", Foreign Language (English, French, German, other languages ​​at the student's choice), the exams of subjects will be passed in writing, and "History of the Armenian Church", "Social Studies", "Informatics", "NDP and safe life activities", " Examinations of the subjects "Russian literature" (for foreign students who have studied in Russian) are oral.

The method of conducting the examination of the "Physical Education" subject is the test (handing over the norms).

Written exam tests are made by the Assessment and Testing Center (ATC) with at least 4 tests in each subject with a 20-point evaluation system. The oral exam questions form the relevant methodical units of the school accepting external exams: at least 10 questions from each subject with a 10-point evaluation system.

The external (external) examinations of the 2nd examination period of 2024 will be held according to the established schedule.

In the Certificate of Basic Education and the Certificate of Secondary Education, the final and state final exam subjects are evaluated using a 20-point system, and annual grades are assigned by converting grades from a 20-point system to a 10-point system.

Oral exams are graded on a 10-point scale and are considered annual grades.

When recording grades, the transition from a 20-point grading system to a 10-point grading system is made according to the following scale:

8-9 points-4 16-17 points-8

10-11 points-5 18-19 points-9

12-13 points-6 20 points-10

14-15 points – 7

The process of organizing and conducting external (external) final exams is coordinated by the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports.


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