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The rice farmers... "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

There is such a word in Armenian: "bryndzel". Classically, it means not doing something well, not being able to do something, or directly, doing something badly. In modern colloquial Armenian, "rice" is usually used in a different sense. When someone talks senselessly, without content, tells a series of lies, just talks nonsense, to describe it all in a nutshell, they say "rice". There is such a lasting impression that apart from "doing" their official duties in the classical sense, Pashinyan and his government representatives are in competition as to which one of them will "do" more severely, but also in terms of conversation. no, they know for sure that Nikol Pashinyan is out of competition in that regard. And his performances last weekend are direct evidence of that, as they say, unequivocally and unequivocally. First, Pashinyan gave a speech of his own invention "Crossroads of Peace. uniting security and democracy" at the conference, where he privately stated that the army does not have a primary role at all in ensuring the country's security. Even before that, he had given a speech at the Investigative Committee and announced that... (catch up) there is no longer the phenomenon of "making a case" in Armenia. This statement can compete with the same author's "corruption has been overcome" and other similar claims, which have nothing to do with reality. Then information spread that Nikol Pashinyan said, "Where there is bread, there is food. He gave a speech entitled "Social Psychology of the Republic of Armenia" at the KP Democracy School. Almost any phrase is wonderful and charming in this formal informational sentence. First, Nikol Pashinyan elevated "where there is bread, there is food" to the level of a state, official ideology, which is already a tragedy or a prelude to a tragedy. Secondly, it turns out that the absolutely dictatorial and autocratic KP-Pashinyan's organization has a "school of democracy". It is possible to quote from that "speech" of Pashinyan, for example, regarding sweating, but we will not do it, saving the health of the readers and respecting our education and upbringing. : In general, we have had occasion to notice that such "remarkable" statements, as a rule, are made in order to attract attention and news. They are done not to analyze or criticize, but to attract news directly, to hold discussions about them, even if at the cost of mockery, only to talk about them and to divert as much as possible from the key issues and questions. By the way, about bread. It is surprising, but Pashinyan did not coordinate his speech with the new thesis of his own Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan (mercy Oruel), which the latter gave at the same "crossroads" conference. Over the weekend, many on social media mocked that "thesis" as much as possible, but the problem is much more dangerous than it might seem. What Armen Grigoryan said, if we retell briefly, is that if there is no bread (wheat), then we will eat rice. What is the question? The question is that Armenia is no longer self-sufficient in terms of wheat. When these authorities had not yet handed over Artsakh to the enemy, Armenia was "striving" for wheat self-sufficiency, although it still imported the mentioned strategic grain. And Armenia imports wheat mainly from Russia. And since Armen Grigoryan and Nikol Pashinyan, who "held the line" of friendship with Turkey, lead to the breakdown of Armenian-Russian relations, it means that they will have to give up wheat as well. They found a genius solution: they will replace wheat with rice. Of course, they are silent about the fact that Armenia imports rice completely. Maybe the Pashinyan government will grow rice on football fields (anyway, there are no results in football), but rather, naturally, they will import it. From where? Maybe from Pakistan? After all, the "fathers" of this government will not let them import rice from Iran or China. And Pakistan, which has always taken a hostile position towards Armenia, is right. Yes, and Armen Grigoryan, Pashinyan's "Secretary of the Security Council", also announces. "In case of attack, RA will do everything to defend itself. we gain the ability to organize the defense." What matters here is who makes such a statement. And this is done by the representative of a government that had absolutely all the capabilities at hand (allies, foreign-political relations, professional human potential, weapons, a capable army, agreements for the acquisition of new military equipment from the previous one, favorable military-technical positioning, etc.), but lost. has given in the war, has betrayed Artsakh to disaster and loss, for the first time in the history of thousands of years, this Armenian cradle has depopulated, it has ceded huge pieces of the territory of Armenia to the genocidal criminal enemy. And now, excuse me, how many pennies are worth Armen Grigoryan and, even more so Nikol Pashinyan's similar statements. How is it, in general, that the representative of the same government, whose head sits, insists on acquiring capabilities to "defend oneself in the event of an attack", only talking about the fact that the RA leadership does not try to use military means in any case and will not try to liberate its sovereign territories occupied by the enemy. Another thing is interesting. Many have noticed that the more Nikol Pashinyan talks about peace, the intersection of peace and the peace treaty, the more often his Foreign Ministry hints at a possible war, the possibility of Azerbaijani military aggression. To many, there seems to be a contradiction here. There is none. Just remember that when these authorities were going to hand over the Armenian territories near Kirants, Voskepar to the enemy, Nikol Pashinyan went there and threatened the citizens of Armenia that they should hand it over, otherwise a war would start. Next week. Did you remember? And now it's just a role distribution. Pashinyan speaks from an intersection, a corridor, etc., and his Foreign Minister openly alludes to war. When you compare, it is the same threat. let's surrender the corridor to the enemy or war will break out. Here is the root of all the "rice pain" of the Pashinyan government. ARMEN HAKOBYAN


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