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"He was friendly, reserved, conciliatory to everyone." artilleryman Harutyun Hovsepyan was wounded on October 9 in Jrakan, he died on October 20, never regaining consciousness. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

"Harutun was a friendly, elder-respecting child. He was quiet in his character, reserved, he did not want to upset anyone. If suddenly there were arguments in which his friends were involved, he tried to talk with everyone, to reconcile. He had quite a large circle of friends both in our and neighboring villages and in Masis. Everyone addressed him as "Kyaj" both in the village and in the military unit. He had a unique character, he didn't openly show what he didn't like. It was as if his character was a secret for us, we didn't understand him until the end," Mrs. Bina, Harutyun's mother, told "Fact". "He loved chess very much, he beat everyone he played with. He also played football for quite a long time." After finishing the ninth grade, Haryut continued his studies at Masis State Agricultural College in the Department of "Transportation Organization and Management in Transport". He was a few months away from graduating when he was drafted into the mandatory military service. After returning, he had to continue his studies in college. The mother says that her son's dream was to become a programmer. "He told us that he wanted to furnish one of the rooms so that he could work there. After his death, we turned that room into his corner." 2018 On January 19, Harutyun's brother, Norayr, is conscripted into military service. One year later, in 2019 On July 19, Haryuta leaves for service. He served in Dilijan. He was an artilleryman, he mastered that field, during the war he was able to hit all the targets without fail. He did not aspire to ranks, he wanted to serve quietly and be discharged and return home." Resurrection was a drummer. Mrs. Bina recalls the words of Captain Marzpet Vardanyan, the commander of the battery, that when they assigned a drum to the military unit, the latter said: "Our Kyaj will play." 2020 On September 27, the war begins. "He wrote me a letter that morning and asked how we are. We talked for a while, then he said that they were going to Hagartsi. As if they had a tradition, they went to Haghartsi every Sunday. After talking with him, I learned from the Internet that a war had started. I wrote a letter to Harut again: "Boys, a war has started." But already there was anxiety inside me. He always wrote letters to me, I didn't call either, so as not to suddenly put him in trouble. Every now and then he would just call and exchange a couple of words with us. First I gave the phone to my brother, then I was the one talking to him. A few days had passed since the war, he asked himself: Harut, are you telling the truth, are you in Ijevan? Responded yes, sent a picture to reassure me. But later it turned out that he did it only to calm me down." He documents the battle path of resurrection. "Regular Harutyun Hovsepyan 2019 In the summer, he left for service and was assigned to military unit No. N as a calculation soldier of the 2nd battery of the 1st D-20 artillery division. With the battery staff in 2020. on October 5 occupied a firing position in the southern part of the Republic of Artsakh and on October 8 carried out combat shootings aimed at stopping the advance of the enemy and supporting the movement of its own troops. Showing coolness and professional skill during combat operations, he dealt crushing blows to the enemy, causing great losses of manpower and firepower." On October 9, Harutyu was wounded on the battlefield. The combat path provided by his military unit states: "During the shooting, he received shrapnel injuries in different parts of his body due to the explosion of a projectile fired from the enemy's attack ATS, as a result of which he fell into a coma and was hospitalized. After being in a coma for almost ten days, doctors failed to save the life of Private Hovsepyan, who received multiple shrapnel injuries, and he never regained consciousness and died on October 20, 2020." Harutu took part in combat operations and was wounded in Jrakan. The mother recalls the events of those days. "The sergeant who was with me was killed at the same moment, and my son was seriously wounded in the head. Recently, the parents of his sergeant came to our house, and they told some episodes based on the words of other soldiers. The senior sergeant told me to come out of hiding and see what is happening around. My son responded: wait, I will come with you, don't go alone. He was like that in the company as well, he never left his friends alone. That's when the ATS strikes. When my son was wounded, he opened his eyes and asked his sergeant how he was doing. Then he was transported by car to Stepanakert, where two operations were performed and transferred to Yerevan, "Astghik" medical center. During that time, I wrote letters to him, they remained unanswered. We were very anxious. And then our relatives recognized Harutyunyi in the resuscitation department of the hospital, his face was so clean that it would have been impossible not to recognize him. For days I went to my son, talked to him, but there was no change. My son's heart was beating fast as if he sensed my presence. On October 20, however, he died. There were many fragments on the right side of his body, the doctors had almost completely removed them." But they had already done their black work in the body of Resurrection. And in the end, about the power to live. "My family gives me the strength to live: my husband, my son and my daughter-in-law." C. - Harutyun Hovsepyan was posthumously awarded the "Combat Service" medal. Also awarded by NGOs. Buried in Darakert cemetery: LUSINE ARAKELYAN


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Yerevan will preserve the traces of our hands on its buildings, the streets will remember our steps and voices. Alain Simonyan

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