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In the grip of diplomatic failures. "Fact"

"Fact" daily writes:

As sad as it is, the facts show that Armenia is losing on various diplomatic fronts, and in all directions at the same time. First of all, let's consider the Russian direction. During the reign of Pashinyan, Armenia permanently disrupted relations with Russia, as a result of which the level of cooperation decreased. Perhaps, since Armenia's independence, we have never had such a low level of Armenian-Russian relations. And it is as a result of this that Azerbaijan benefits from the point of view of deepening relations with Russia, and it also serves its interests, as a result of which the Armenian side definitely suffers. by road, first from the border with Iran, and little by little they will move to removing them from the border with Turkey as well. And it is presented in such a way that it is an important step towards strengthening Armenia's sovereignty. But when Azerbaijan started aggression against Armenia, so that the forces of the enemy would not deepen in the territory of our country, the leadership of Armenia specifically requested that the Russians bring border guards to Syunik and Tavush and create bases. But the important thing in Armenian-Russian relations is not even the topic of border guards, the problem is more global. Armenia implements its anti-Russian position to please the West and expect support. Moreover, Pashinyan does not even hide it. It was under his leadership that the RA authorities managed to discredit the integration structures led by the Russians, for example, Pashinyan's government decided to detain the then Secretary General of the CSTO, which caused the Russian side a hard time. And now they constantly complain at a high level from Armenia why the CSTO does not come to our aid. In addition, anti-Russian sentiments are generated and deepened by the authorities and pro-Western Westerners within our society. Azerbaijan is in a hurry to take advantage of the current situation and reap dividends, presenting itself as Russia's main ally and support in the South Caucasus. The second diplomatic defeat is already related to relations with the West. Western countries, in particular France, are constantly making statements that they support Armenia, but time shows that they do not take any concrete steps when Azerbaijan commits crimes and resorts to aggression against Armenia and Regarding Artsakh. Moreover, European countries are more interested in Azerbaijan's oil and gas, that's why Aliyev is declared as a reliable partner. And a number of European countries, starting with Italy, are arming Azerbaijan. And France gives Armenia such weapons that even the Ukrainians refused to accept them, and which cannot play a major role during military operations. Let's also take into account that the Western community, acting as a torchbearer for the protection of human rights, did not take any steps to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan, when thousands of Artsakh citizens were deported under the threat of genocide. That is why Aliyev, speaking of sanctions, noted that sanctions against Azerbaijan were established in 1992, and then, in the 2000s, they were removed. This proves that now he does not consider the prospect of sanctions from the West, and whatever crime he commits in front of the eyes of the whole world, he is not only forgiven, but also encouraged in some places. Recently, the NATO delegation even visited the military park built by Aliyev, through which concrete hatred against Armenia and Armenians is propagated. And even after this, thousands of naive citizens of Armenia still believe that the West supports Armenia against Azerbaijan. This is just a myth. The West needs Armenia only to get Russia out of the region, and the rights of the Armenians are of little interest to the Western community, otherwise the issue of restoring the rights of the Artsakh people would have been specifically raised. If Armenia is going to the West, why aren't Western markets opening up to Armenian products? As for relations with other big neighbors, Turkey and Iran, it should be noted that there is no visible step to regulate relations with Turkey, although special envoys are holding meetings. Turkey conditions Armenian-Turkish relations with the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and constantly puts forward preconditions through Azerbaijan, even such demands that are absolutely unacceptable for Armenia. And as for Iran, being carried away by the wind leading to the West, the RA authorities have constantly tried to distance themselves from Iran, which is not in our interests. ARTHUR KARAPETYAN


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