The "Fact" daily writes:
Nikol Pashinyan loves to proudly proudly declare that there are no elections in Armenia during his rule, everything is in place, in a word, is wonderful.
In other cases, Pashinyan, of course, falsifies the realities and reality in this issue.
In general, in connection with the elections, there are a number of specifics and characteristic commonalities, especially since Pashinyan's speech, has recently held a "padvala-flame" in Gyumri since April 2008 (early elections to the Yerevan Council of Elders), Pashinyan. He personally participated in the campaigns, pre-election gatherings, made constant speeches, statements and exclamations.
In all cases, Pashinyan was extremely aggressive, with insulting expressions, with insulting remarks, and the other participants of the election were made of sharp accusations, which were almost never established in accordance with the established procedure.
Moreover, he has given the police and law enforcement agencies clearly provoking and extremist commands and instructions.
It is slightly worth reminding of the aggressive, both former and recent speeches, using hatred and approach to instilling hatred and enmity inside society.
Look, Pashinyan shared the public with "Black" and "White", he spoke "asphalt to spread", "plastering on the walls" and "Bordur Lick" and similar fries. It should be noted, in all these cases, the RA Prime Minister's threats to the police and the Kindly-Show forces sought. It has long been a government, not a radical oppositionist who walks over the roofs of garage or the roofs of garages.
There are observations that Pashinyan "crushed" crush, "Padwal's rat", "Padwal's Rat", "Narkocartel" and similar manifestations, never said anything software.
At the moment of the eye, yes, we have already mentioned it. But it should be noted that Pashinyan and his CPA (in 2018, in 2018, have also been submitted to programs.
Well, they had to present anything to the election campaign as a "pre-election program". What is characteristic? According to the official results of December and 2021, these programs have not been largely implemented by the official election of June 2006 or in June 2021.
Moreover, in 2021 the pre-election program submitted by the CPA, which was enshrined in August of the Republic of Armenia as "2021-25 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Activity Program ", not only does not happen and will be implemented, but at least in diametrically opposed to Artsakh, CSTO relations.
Pashinyan promised to realize the right of Armenians to self-determination of Artsakh, he made more than the opposite, Artsakh was abandoned and denied it and handed it over to the enemy. Pashinyan promised to improve the Armenian-Russian relations, but it was extremely spoiled, and so on. The list is too long.
In other words, the characteristic is that Pashinyan also presented some programs, which did not happen, moreover, but did not virtually vice versa.
We already mentioned it, but we will emphasize it especially here. Nikol Pashinyan has been prime minister since 2018 to date. Of course, he can say that in 2021 he was allegedly resigned, but it was a cheap "eat" for clarity.
In fact, everyone is well aware that he all that time, except in 2020. The night of November 10 has always been fluent in all the opportunities and levers of his position. Even ...
So, the worst and vulgar have been exploited and abused in all the last 7 years. Now he is abused and abused.
On the other hand, especially in connection with the local elections, it is impossible to enter the characteristic of the Pashinyan government, which can be described as the will of the will of the voters and the rapes of the election. In a number of large communities, Pashinyan and his CPF lost in the elections. However, after that, Pashinyan, state bodies were used to make the deepest terror and repressions on the candidates over the elections.
The most staffed example was what happened in Vanadzor. Although there were similar manifestations in the case of several other communities, and in Gyumri it was decided to capture the government through prosecuting the mayor.
In other words, even if the election, threats, pressure, administrative resources, the prosecutor's office, the National Security Service, the investigative bodies, the courts, the tribunals, are able to violate the prosecutor's office. This is the real characteristics of the Pashinyan government and the so-called "democratic bastion".
Yes, it is possible that there are still people who fall into ecstasy when Pashinyan utters "a padval's rat" or something like that.
But it is obvious that Pashinyan and his CPF go to a comprehensive "prilk", that is, the failure. The bad thing is that they also drag the state with them.