Article by Artur Khachikyan, PhD in Political Science:
“Forward to a New Small “Yalta.”
The news of Putin and Trump’s meetings means that peace talks on the Ukraine issue may begin, which could stop the war and stop the bloodshed. It is possible that there will be a discussion of a small new “Yalta,” on a smaller scale, possibly new spheres of influence will be outlined in Europe, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Central Asia and other regions. Agreements on general issues of European security, arms control are possible.
Trump will probably leave Ukraine and, perhaps, Europe and continue to implement his plans to create a greater Israel, including the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank. His policy will be subordinate to the interests of Israel. Israel's allies, Turkey and Azerbaijan, are undoubtedly using its influence to pressure Armenia and obtain the Zangezur corridor, populate Syunik with Azerbaijanis, and gradually expel Armenians from the region, as Trump proposes to do with the Palestinians.
Armenia will appear at the negotiating table in the role of a victim, a six, a small defenseless third-tier ethnic group in which no one is interested, which will ask to be saved. And the countries on which its fate will depend will have no strategic interest in Armenia and may choose in favor of its enemies. And Russia,and Armenia has completely failed its policy with the US. And Armenia will have no leverage to defend itself.
The Armenian “government” has failed miserably in its policy in the US, not establishing any ties with the Trump administration, appointing yet another incompetent person to a vital position. Armenia has no ties or leverage in Washington, which became especially clear after the failed visit of the leader of this group to Washington, which no one noticed, no one met, no one wrote about, there was no result except for a pitiful unofficial “selfie”.
This regime has completely failed its policy towards Russia, conducting fierce anti-Russian propaganda for 7 years, doing everything to help the pro-Turkish lobby in Moscow. The fate of Armenia will be decided again without its participation, and it will wait in the corridor.
Just like in 1878, 1918, 1920, when Western Armenia, Cilicia, half of Eastern Armenia disappeared. And this time Armenia will be at that table in the weakest state, with incompetent, not sensible leadership, without a clear foreign policy, without competent leaders. In 1920, the negotiations were conducted by playwrights, poets, childish idealists. In 2025, unsuccessful journalists, uneducated, inexperienced, arrogant dilettantes are negotiating. And in this situation, our fate will be decided. History does not change its opinion about us.
Putin and Trump, under pressure from Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan, will probably decide the fate of the Zangezur corridor. They can put pressure on Iran to make it concede on this issue. The fate of the Caucasus will be discussed, one can hope,that it will not lead to the strengthening of Turkish influence, through an alliance with Israel and Azerbaijan. Or to the surrender of Armenia under Turkish influence. Having a government that has been conducting a fierce anti-Russian policy for 7 years, it will be difficult to count on Russian help. And Trump's interests are Israel, Turkey and Azerbaijan, they are oil, gas, rare elements, a greater Israel in place of an annihilated Palestine.
Iran will certainly be discussed. Most likely, with the help of Russia, a choice will be made in the direction of peace negotiations, limitation of the nuclear program, refusal of air strikes. Russia can have a deterrent effect on this issue. As for Ukraine, if it cedes 4 regions and Crimea, the conflict will be frozen, and the rest of Ukraine should be "neutralized". How long will it be before the question of NATO membership arises again, until it is again armed by the entire Western bloc and turns into an impregnable bridgehead armed to the teeth, until Western bases and nuclear weapons appear there, is an open question. It took Hitler 18 years to rearm the Rhineland. It took 10 years to break his promise to Gorbachev.
And we can only wait and see how our fate will be resolved. As always."