Zhoghovurd daily writes:
"On January 27, it was announced that former prosecutor George Kostanyan became a Russian citizen.
However, Kostanyan assured Zhoghovurd daily that he did not change his citizenship.
Let us inform you that according to Hetq, 2013-2016. RA Prosecutor General George Kostanyan has become a Russian citizen and has been registered in Moscow since January 2022.
In a conversation with "Zhoghovurd" daily, Gevorg Kostanyan said he did not become a Russian citizen.
"Being guided by the presumption of madness is not reasonable. I remain citizens of Armenia, I have preserved and maintain my citizenship.
If the media did not find my first name in the voter register, let the authorities ask why my name was taken.
I have been and remain a citizen of the Republic of Armenia and I suggest that we limit this, I do not interview. "
Presumably when the whole world (INTERPOL, the international police and Russian law enforcement) refused to declare Kostanyan, considering the arguments illegally and political only the former prosecutor.
Consequently, the electoral lists were cleaned in Armenia with political expediency.
And the person not found in international wanted can register and live in any country at any address. "