Prime Minister Pashinyan posted on his Facebook page:
"My thesis is that heroism should be normalized. According to our average perception, the hero is a person of special behavior, thinking, and environment. It seems that we elevate the hero with this perception, but so and so, that height is far away, i.e. inaccessible for us, for others.
The hero is in such a high place that others cannot reach that place, because the others are people of ordinary behavior, ordinary environment. Heroism has its next manifestation: the hero is the victim Under almost all posts and speeches (on social networks), the comments stating that the heroes are confused are getting a lot of likes arguing that there are heroes in the Mist, but when we say heroes are in the Mist, it means that there are no heroes among the living. From this perception comes the theory of despair; if the best, the heroes, no longer live, how meaningful and moral is the aspiration of the public or any member of the public to live?
The above perception can also mean that we will either not have heroes anymore, or to have heroes, we need a war, where victims will be inevitable and we will fill our pantheon of heroes with a “clear conscience.” This is clearly a wrong, unacceptable and destructive path to stand back, you need to bring the perception of heroism closer to the common man, everyday, ordinary life.
It is necessary to understand that one can be a hero in work, education, creativity, with daily behavior and practices. In everyday life, one should have other formulas for being a hero, for example, paying a lot of taxes, creating a lot of jobs, benevolence, helping others really selflessly, the environment is free of garbage. keeping, making one's home pleasing to the eyes of the environment, etc. thousands of cases could be cited.
But the deep purpose and meaning of this is the everyday heroism and heroism, so that heroism becomes accessible to everyone, so that heroism is compatible with life. because when heroism does not belong to other, special people, but to all of us, running away from the army will be a shame and not shrouded in a silent but widespread "legitimacy" of "aren't we heroes?" heroes are special people who are in a blur. I'm not in a blur, what kind of hero am I?
Therefore, please deprive me and my children of RA citizenship so that we do not go to the army. Where is my heroism?" No, the hero is you, and you and I must become heroes in education, work, lifestyle, and practices. We hope that there will be no need to die for the motherland, but if there is Yes, we will also sacrifice ourselves for the motherland and when we have already become heroes in our lives, we will not think that I am not the hero, heroism is far away, it is someone else's job and not mine.
And in this case, my/your willingness to die will not be to become a hero, but to protect the heroism that I/you experienced, and due to this fact, protecting will be a deep consciousness, the protection will be more effective, because there will not be an unbearable burden placed on the shoulders of few heroes.
And when you will be/we will be a hero in a peaceful life, you will identify defending peace with defending your country and not the only option to be a hero will be war and death, with the perception that there is nothing heroic in peace and living. There are heroic things in peace and living many things and it must be known first and then it must be implemented. This is my thesis to make heroism everyday and everyday life heroic."