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"There is nothing like it, nothing like it has ever happened." Khachatryan on obstructing the activities of Vahan Kerobyan

"There is nothing like it, nothing like it has ever happened."

Deputy Prime Minister Tigran Khachatryan said about this in the courtyard of the National Assembly, answering the journalist's question whether he obstructed the activities of the former Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan.
Regarding the observation that the former minister himself made such a statement during one of the interviews, the deputy prime minister said.

"I have not heard such criticism."

As for what kind of relationship he had with Kerobyan, Khachatryan said.

"Normal, working."


Karen Sarukhanyan on becoming the interim mayor of Gyumri
The ruling party of Georgia called the president's words about election fraud shameful
The participants of the opposition rally in Georgia were warned about their responsibility before the law
If Gyumri Council of Elders meetings are not called in October, November, December, new elections will be held. Barseghyan
We condemn the steps aimed at undermining international security, which were also demonstrated against Iran. RA MFA
Hezbollah has announced new attacks on Israeli territory
Russia will not avoid contacts with Georgian authorities. Lavrov
A large number of Indians are involved in the construction of the border zone. Oskan Sargsyan
The Armenian cultural heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh is facing the threat of destruction. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
The circumstances of the explosion in one of the houses in Aygestan district of Yerevan and the death of one person are being clarified by the preliminary investigation.
Zelensky proposed to extend the martial law for 90 days
Interview with Arnold Stepanyan, head of the non-governmental organization “Multinational Georgia”
I have no comment about becoming a minister. Arpine Sargsyan (video)
The granting of RA citizenship decreased by 7.1%, and the termination of citizenship increased by 4.9%. Arpine Sargsyan
LIVE: The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs presents the 2025 state budget project
Lavrov met with the Foreign Minister of Kuwait
We are carrying out works to have safe traffic. Avinyan (video)
I don't know who is more important. The Minister of Finance about purchasing a $134 LEXUS for Anna Hakobyan at the expense of the state budget
There was no interference by Russia. Peskov about the elections in Georgia
If I win the election, we will build the largest economy in world history. Trump

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Karen Sarukhanyan on becoming the interim mayor of Gyumri

We condemn the steps aimed at undermining international security, which were also demonstrated against Iran. RA MFA

Interview with Arnold Stepanyan, head of the non-governmental organization “Multinational Georgia”

I have no comment about becoming a minister. Arpine Sargsyan (video)

LIVE: The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs presents the 2025 state budget project

I don't know who is more important. The Minister of Finance about purchasing a $134 LEXUS for Anna Hakobyan at the expense of the state budget

After the decision to withdraw the Russian border guards from the Agarak checkpoint, the Armenian-Russian interstate agreement will not be revised. RA MFA

LIVE: Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan's briefing

Gyumri Mayor Vardges Samsonyan will resign today. CP member of parliament

The CEC has set the dates for the 2025 local government elections

The mayor of Gyumri has resigned

The Deputy Prime Minister about the agreements reached between Pashinyan and Aliyev

There is not a single person whose needs are not spent from the state budget. Pashinyan (video)

The state budget is our description. Pashinyan who increased the RA state debt to 12 billion

RA attaches importance to the continuous development of friendly relations with the Czech Republic. Pashinyan to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic

The RA Ambassador to Syria was awarded the Order of Honor of the highest class

The regular session of the interdepartmental commission dealing with issues of captives, hostages and missing persons took place

The state budget is the big family budget of every RA citizen. Pashinyan (video)

If it is universal poverty, welfare becomes the target. Pashinyan

The ceremony of handing over the credentials of Ambassador Armen Yeganyan to the President of the Republic of Ecuador took place