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The employee of Byureghavan municipality does not deny that he goes to the casino in a car belonging to the city.

Residents of Byureghavan community of Kotayk marz addressed to the editorial office of "Haykakan Zhamanak", reporting that Mushegh Sukiasyan, consultant-coordinator of separate functions in the staff of the community hall, uses the "Mercedes" car belonging to the landscaping department of the community hall for his own needs.

According to the residents, Sukiasyan operates it not only during working hours, but also outside of it. The latter regularly notice it late in the evening parked in front of casinos. Based on citizens' complaints, we contacted Mushegh Sukiasyan. The latter, after listening to our questions, reacted very strongly, particularly to the observations that a number of residents of the community raised the alarm that he is using state property for personal needs: "Let the writers think about themselves, what they have done and what they are doing, then just skip to my topics. When they are clean, halal-zulal, popular, humane, those people who devour people, let them talk about me," Sukiasyan said, then after a little pause he started to insult the residents. "They are not residents, they are herbivores, what kind of residents are they? And whoever writes such things, I will do things with them, from their past and present. Today, they have become democratic and they think about this city "in vain", right? I'm using the car, hey! What can we do? I'm using it. I'll use it once in a while, won't it?" According to Sukiasyan, it's not the case that the car is not used for official purposes for the state. "It is also used for the community, in special cases I go to the city, I go to a thousand places, there are places that should be looked at, studied, they have done, they haven't done, what needs to be done. It's not like that, the car is not driven for the state, now I wanted to drive it for myself, what happened, but I don't have to drive it if I spend money on it. I mean, I don't have the right to drive that car? After work, I can drive for myself one more time. What will happen if, let's say, I can't charge from my own pocket, drive? That official car is not driven in the republic."

Sukiasyan responded to our question that the car is regularly fixed in front of the casino. "Yes, what should we do, let's say, I might have gone there at the moment, let's say, let's assume, I have gone. I neither have to avoid it, nor, let's say, I entered and exited at my own will, what does that have to do with the car, the time off work? Don't I have the right to go somewhere? I'm not going to equal their level, to go down to that level.

Let them think about what they have done, otherwise, where Sukiasyan will go, how he will go, when he will go, it is none of their business, and if they want something from Sukiasyan, let them come and say: this is how it is, or that is how it is." confirm also with Hakob Balasyan, head of Byureghavan enlarged community. When asked by "Haykakan Zhamanak" whether he is aware that the employee of the community hall is using the car belonging to the community for personal needs, the latter said. "I hear from you that there are such things, the car was given to him for a specific purpose for a specific period of time to perform certain functions, and I will be interested in the rest."


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