Telegram channels close to the Russian special services write that “significant” personnel changes have begun in the management of Gazprom. It is noted that the 62-year-old head of PJSC Alexey Miller, due to health reasons, will allegedly soon not be able to lead the state corporation and his deputy Famil Sadigov, who is actually the main financier of Gazprom, is predicted to take his place. It is also reported that he is leaving the post of head of Gazprom Gas Oil Product Holding Sergey Ivanin. This company is a powerful subsidiary of the parent Gazprom, which brought in almost two billion annual profits. After Ivanin, it is reported that “soon” it will be the turn of Elena Sekarina, who heads Gazprom Asset Management KSN and Gazprom Invest RGK.
All this is a consequence of the resignation of former board member of Gazprom PJSC Elena Mikhailova, who was in charge of all the property of the state corporation, that is, trillions of rubles, and was secretly considered the second figure after the head of the state corporation.