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"Holy Struggle" issued a statement

The coordinating body of "Holy Struggle" issued a statement.

"After the obviously illegal decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia on September 26, the regulation "On the Joint Activities of the Commission for the Demarcation of the State Border and Border Security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Commission for the Demarcation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia" was submitted to the court of the National Assembly. In this regard, we consider it necessary to record the following.

1. The person holding the position of the Prime Minister of RA has signed many documents (for example, the Tripartite Declaration of 09.11.2020, etc.), but none of them has passed such a procedure of internal ratification (CJ and NA ratification), as in "Demarcation of the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan". the regulation.

Moreover, the Regulation signed at the level of the commission introduces such a procedure in the event that, at least apparently, no similar process exists in Azerbaijan. This kind of behavior speaks of Azerbaijan's tendency to fulfill another demand and to spread the responsibility of committing an apparent state crime from one person to others (Constitutional Court, National Assembly deputies, NA CP faction, as well as CP voters in the 2021 elections).

2. In the absence of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the presence of the threat of force from Azerbaijan, the initiation of such a process calls into question the legitimacy of the process from the beginning. 3. It is also visible that Azerbaijan has no real desire to refer to Alma Ata's declaration and carry out any process on that basis. This becomes clear from the fact that the Regulation lacks legal certainty, it does not establish a unified legal basis for demarcation and demarcation, moreover, the preamble of the Regulation lays the groundwork for partial demarcation and demarcation, declaring the basis for delimitation and demarcation between Armenia and Azerbaijan apart from the Alma Ata Declaration. the supposed contract for the settlement of relations. In other words, this will become another fake "sold" to the public, as if the process is proceeding according to Alma Ata's declaration.

We should add that the process of Alma Ata's declaration is itself problematic from the point of view of our national and state interest, but even Azerbaijan does not want it, which is clearly reflected in this Regulation. 4. In May, the illegal withdrawal of troops and the actual change of RA borders were carried out in Tavush, but the Regulations were presented to the Constitutional Court and the National Assembly only months after those processes. This is another proof that the process carried out in Tavush in May had nothing to do with border demarcation and demarcation, but was just a one-sided concession. Azerbaijan achieved its goal in Tavush by coercion. In the same way, in all the places where it is favorable for it, it will do the same, that is, the favorable parts of the border for Azerbaijan will be considered demarcated and demarcated according to this Regulation, after which Azerbaijan can drag out this process for years and we will not have demarcated demarcated border. This, in turn, is a bomb placed under the process.

Therefore, taking into account the above, "Holy Struggle" declares that the regulation "On the Joint Activities of the Committee on the Demarcation of the State Border and Border Security between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Committee on the Demarcation of the State Border between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia" contradicts the RA State, national interests and is not subject to ratification.

Anyone who VOTES FOR the adoption of the said document shares the responsibility of being a participant in a process containing elements of APPARENT STATE TREASON."