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The youth capital of 2025 is known

The results of the "Youth Capital of the Republic of Armenia 2025" contest were summarized in the Ministry of Youth Capital of the Republic of Armenia. The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Youth Capital of the Republic of Armenia, Artur Martirosyan, the chairman of the competition commission. Abovyan (Kotayk marz), Alaverdi (Lori marz), The cities of Aparan (Aragatsotni marz), Martuni (Gegharkunik marz) and Noyemberyan (Tavush marz). The competition was organized in accordance with the current regulations and the meeting of the competition commission convened to summarize the results. According to the results of expert evaluation and short message (SMS) voting, Aparan was declared the youth capital of Armenia in 2025. Deputy Minister Artur Martirosyan thanked the applicant cities for their activity and referred to the importance of participating in the competition.

"We must record that in 2024 the youth capital Gavar was honored with this title, which proves that the set high bar is maintained and the preparation of the cities improves year by year. The whole purpose of the project is to activate the youth life in the given urban area and to promote the development of the relevant infrastructure so that the young people live the life of the capital not only in the title year, but also it becomes continuous and turns into a tradition. Within the framework of the project, we direct various state structures and international partners to consider the youth capital of the given year as a primary place for holding various events," said Artur Martirosyan, adding that in this way, an attempt is also being made to promote the development of international relations and the growth of tourist flows in the settlement declared the youth capital. :

In this context, Artur Martirosyan noted that the title of youth capital also gives an opportunity to become the center of an event of regional significance, mentioning 2021. the example of the youth capital of Kapan, where the session of the council on youth issues of the CIS member states and the competition "100 ideas for the CIS" were held. After the organization of the mentioned events, Kapan has already been recognized as the 2026 year. CIS youth capital.

The members of the expert committee presented their observations on the applicant cities and emphasized that none of them was in the absolute leading positions. as a result of the study, each had strengths and weaknesses. The representative of the city of Aparan, recognized as the winner, thanked for the opportunity to participate in the program and emphasized that they participated in the competition with a fighting spirit and a great desire to win the title of the youth capital.

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