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We propose and propose to Azerbaijan to start the process of unblocking communications a day earlier. Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Ani Badalyan, responded to the statement of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, in which the latter accused Armenia of negligent attitude towards the obligations assumed by the tripartite statement of November 9, in the context of unblocking communications in the region. The spokesperson of the RA MFA responded to the statement from Baku in an interview with "Armenpress".

Question - Mrs. Badalyan, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan, commenting on "Crossroads of Peace. "uniting security and democracy" forum, comments made by RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan about a number of provisions of the tripartite statement of November 9, called them distorting the reality and accused the Republic of Armenia of being negligent towards the obligations it undertook. How will you interpret the words of the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan?

Answer - We have to look at the facts. 2020 the tripartite statement of November 9 envisages that there will be Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh, as well as a 5 km wide Lachin Corridor under the control of Russian peacekeepers, but there is neither the Lachin Corridor nor the Russian peacekeepers.

2020 The tripartite statement of November 9 envisages that internally displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh and neighboring regions under the supervision of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, but Azerbaijan declares that there is no Nagorno-Karabakh territory, there is no Nagorno-Karabakh. which, in fact, means a waiver of this obligation under the tripartite declaration. To date, no Armenian refugee or internally displaced person has returned either to the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh or to neighboring regions.

2020 The tripartite declaration of November 9 envisages the exchange of prisoners of war, hostages and other detained persons. until today, Armenians are kept in Azerbaijani prisons, including in 2020. captured in November or October. Azerbaijan says that they are not prisoners of war. If they are not prisoners of war, then they are hostages or other held persons. the wording of the tripartite declaration refers to any person in prison.

Azerbaijan also constantly raises the issue of missing persons. The Republic of Armenia also raises this issue, because the Armenian side has about a thousand missing persons as a result of two wars, and we are ready to cooperate in this matter as well.

Regarding point 9 of the tripartite declaration, it is envisaged that the Republic of Armenia organizes the passage of goods, vehicles and people in its territory and guarantees their safety. This is written in a very simple way in the statement. It is clear that the Republic of Armenia should do this within the framework of its jurisdiction and sovereignty. Regarding the bodies of the FSB border guard service of the Russian Federation, their physical presence is not provided for in point 9 of the tripartite statement.

The "Crossroads of Peace" project of the RA government also accurately expresses the road map for the fulfillment of the obligations undertaken by the Republic of Armenia, within the framework of which we have forwarded proposals to the Azerbaijani side. Being interested in unblocking all transport and economic infrastructures of the region, which is actually planned by the tripartite declaration, we have proposed to Azerbaijan and we are proposing to start the process of unblocking a day earlier.


We propose and propose to Azerbaijan to start the process of unblocking communications a day earlier. MFA
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