Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky has stated that Russian troops have hit Ukraine with a few tens of drones on the late evening of March 18, Zelenky wrote about Telegram. "Now in many regions it is heard from what Russia really needs. There are about 40 "Shahid" in our sky.
Unfortunately, strikes are directed to civil infrastructure. "Shandid" directly hit the cities of Sumi, Donetsk region, "he said, adding that the recent attack on Russian drones was carried out on Ukraine. Had US and Russian Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin's telephone conversation.
Zelensky has supported the idea of suspending strokes, but noted that Ukraine will respond to any attack. "It can't be that Russia will attack our energy sector, and we will be silent, we will answer," he said. Koel Ukrainian drones have hit Russia.
A fire broke out in the oil warehouse of Kavarkazskaya village near Krasnodar Territory. The local authorities said the fragments of the crashed drone damaged the pipeline between the tanks.