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"Do not bear false witness against your neighbor." 9 of the 10 biblical commandments are: Romanos Petrosyan

Head of State Control Service Romanos Petrosyan wrote on his Facebook page.

"The ninth of the 10 commandments of the Bible says:

"Do not bear false witness against your neighbor"...

On this wonderful Christmas morning, I would not have addressed a post by Hovsep Khurshudyan, chairman of the "Free Citizen" NGO, about me and the State Control Service of the Republic of Armenia, if we had not had a detailed conversation with the author about this months ago, and Duyz himself had maintained objectivity and political correctness in his post as a public activist. this person. And in my reference I will present a summary of 5 undeniable facts according to the record:

Fact 1. H. Khurshudyan is a close friend of Susanna Muradyan, who was released from the PSU and is the source of Hetq's publication (they are united by their long-term joint activities within the "Heritage" party), who has been "targeting" the Service and me for a long time, trying to to be "revenge" for firing S. Muradyan from the PPS.

Moreover, this campaign started much earlier, with the partial leakage of certain official information organized by S. Muradyan from the State Security Service, which became one of the additional reasons for the loss of trust in him.

Fact 2.

Both the PSU and "Armenia" MC have issued official denials regarding a number of defamatory and defamatory claims in the title and text of Hetq's publication, and the PSU is currently preparing an official lawsuit, to apply to the Court in connection with the publication, against the Hetq periodical and in this case, S. Muradyan, a former employee of the State Security Service who is its source of information.

Fact 3.

The staff list of the PPS is approved by the Prime Minister's Decree, which clearly defines the composition, number, rates, etc. of the specialized units and the state supervisors in them.
These positions are filled with the requirements of the RA laws "On Civil Service", "On Public Service" and a number of legislative acts, with special procedures.

The head of the service has only 2 advisers. In addition to the specialized departments, as in all state departments, there are also non-professional, discretionary positions (legal adviser, advisor in the divisions performing separate functions, etc.), which are not related to the specialized job list in any way, and their recruitment is discretionary, which is reserved. To the head of the service to fill with his reliable staff, including political expediency.

Fact 4.

Both the statements in this post and in the actual publication of Hetq have been the subject of investigation in the materials of the criminal proceedings examined by the Anti-Corruption Committee (initiated based on my report) and then terminated, but no crime was revealed in them (the author himself also said that is informed).

Fact 5.

RA is a legal state, and any person who has clear information and undeniable facts about apparent abuse, patronage, corruption phenomena in any part of the state system, in his own words, "dark activities", is obliged to immediately report it to the law enforcement authorities ( instead of organizing targeted information campaigns on the Internet).

P.S. I call, in particular, on public figures who have a certain audience and recognition, not to try to use their public authority biasedly, for the purpose of serving narrow-personal and friendly interests (in the words of the author, for the "CEOs"), taking advantage of the general masses of the public as well. from ignorance of the subject in question.

In this way, by unnecessarily targeting the bodies and officials of the state administration system, whose activity is exclusively state interest, you can inevitably damage their good reputation, and the legal fight against defamation implies a long and time-consuming process, which can partly disrupt the normal course of work.

PS In the comments, you can get acquainted with the official rebuttals of the PSV and "Armenia" MC. I wish all of us sanity in 2025."