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Lavrov met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi within the framework of BRICS

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the framework of BRICS in Nizhny Novgorod. This is reported by TASS. According to TASS, during the meeting, Lavrov noted that cooperation between Russia and China is perceived more and more positively by most countries of the world. At the same time, the number of people who want to cooperate with BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is increasing.  Wang Yi, in turn, stated that the main task of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China is the implementation of the agreements signed between the two heads of state, as well as the promotion of multilateral cooperation. The Chinese diplomat added that in order to protect the common interests of developing countries, it is necessary to strengthen Russian- Chinese coordination. Wang Yi emphasized that the cooperation between the two countries is not directed against any foreign country and is not subject to foreign interference. This is the first meeting of foreign ministers of BRICS member countries after the expansion of the association last year. A joint statement of the ministerial meeting will be prepared after the meeting. Currently BRICS members are Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. About 30 other countries of the world have expressed their desire to cooperate with the organization in one way or another.

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