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European Parliament elections have started in Slovakia, Italy, Latvia, the Czech Republic and Malta.

Voters in Slovakia, Italy, Latvia, the Czech Republic and other European Union countries go to the polls on Saturday on the third day of European Parliament elections, AR reported. The elections in Slovakia were overshadowed by the assassination attempt on populist Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15, which shocked a population of 5.4 million. in the country and response throughout Europe. Analysts said the attack could boost the chances of the prime minister's radical leftist Smer party, a senior partner in the ruling coalition, winning the vote. In Italy, citizens aged 18 and over will vote for 76 seats in the European Parliament over two days, starting on Saturday. Prime Minister Giorgia Maloney is expected to will win. Although the results of the vote are not expected to affect the balance of power in the ruling coalition, they could expand Maloney's influence in the European Union, as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has not ruled out forming a coalition with his group.
Taking advantage of his popularity, Meloni is nominated as the preferred candidate, although he does not intend to take a seat in the European Parliament. Voters in Latvia, Malta, and the Czech Republic also vote on Saturday. The final results will be published only on Sunday evening, when all countries have voted. The main voting day is Sunday, when citizens of 20 European countries, including Germany, France and Poland, will vote for 720 seats in the European Parliament. The seats will be distributed according to population. From six seats for Malta or Luxembourg to 96 seats in Germany. Before that, on June 6, European Parliament elections were held in the Netherlands.


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