The sister of singer Mash Israelyan, Elen Israelyan, died in the accident. "Publication"

The Brother of the Law Thief has been killed in the center of Tbilisi
A 21-year-old man was killed in Tbilisi
A gas pipeline exploded in the village of Bacchkar
Shooting in Sari Burial. There is a victim
Fire in the non-functioning medical outpatient clinic of Tandzut village
OPEL has run over pedestrian, which was later taken to hospital
Carpet in Ararat. A 4-year-old baby is a peep n peeking sick
At Elka Club, men hit each other with glass bottles, break property
Bus No. 15 ran over Pedestrian. Doctors recorded the death of the last
A mysterious and tragic case. A man's body was found in Nor Hachn water pipeline
Emergency case in Yerevan. Dispute broke out between students, hit each other
The educator caught the tutorials in the kindergarten, raised, hit the face of some of him
New details from the case of the snowfall in Mount Aragats. The search at the moment has been suspended
The 28-year-old driver clashed in Metsamor and appeared on train lines. 2 are in the hospital
Emergency case in Lori region. Fire and smoke were visible from several hundred meters
Infiniti collided with the stones in Artashavan
Mysterious case in Yerevan. A man's body and letter found in the flat bathroom
The head of the Kaghsi village of Kaghs was crashed. He and his minor girl have been hospitalized
The couple died on the spot, doctors struggle for the lives of minor children. New details from a tragic accident
Ford Transit and Kamaz truck collided in Aragatsotn region. There is a wounded