Those families forcibly displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh, which were beneficiaries of the state support program for housing displaced families from separate regions of Nagorno-Karabakh (Decision No. 169-L of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated February 17, 2022) and as of July 1, 2024, have not received a certificate, have already can submit an application to use the 40+10 thousand drams support program intended to cover living and other expenses.
Applications are accepted online. The step-by-step guide for submitting an application is below.
STEP 1: Login with link is required.
STEP 2: In the "Personal data" section, it is first necessary to fill in the number of the identity document or public services number plate. Then you need to specify the beneficiary's name and surname and press the green button to identify personal data. If the given person meets the mandatory conditions of the program, the system will automatically identify the applicant's data.
STEP 3: Then you need to enter the phone number and email address. The type and number of the document will be displayed automatically in the "ID document data" field.
STEP 4: In the "Actual address of residence" section, it is necessary to indicate the marz, community, place of residence, street, type of structure (house, apartment, other) and the number of the structure. if necessary, apartment number and zip code.
STEP 5: In the "My bank details" field, you need to select the bank serving you and fill in the 16-digit bank card number.
STEP 6: In the next step, it is necessary to specify whether you have a minor child or not. If your child is not yet 18 years old, you need to click yes and fill in the required information about him. If necessary, the system will offer the "attach a document" button, where you should attach the child's birth certificate, in the case of guardianship or guardianship, the document certifying it. If the applicant is not the child's parent, guardian or trustee, the application will not be approved.
STEP 7: In order to process the application, it is mandatory to select one of the options "I agree" or "I do not agree" for the following question: "I agree to provide the submitted data to a third party cooperating with the ASR for the purpose of receiving social assistance for displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh", as well as to complete the corresponding note in the field "I confirm that the data provided by me is reliable".
STEP 8: "CONFIRM" button. After entering the application, it will be indicated that it has been successfully accepted and the application number will be displayed on the screen. IMPORTANT NOTES: the application for a minor child must be completed by the parent (guardian or guardian), entering data in the fields marked with * is mandatory. Identification data it is necessary to fill it in accordance with the data of the identity document.