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"Armenia" MC about the death of a 21-year-old girl

"Armenia" Medical Center issued a statement saying:

"In response to the article published in a number of media with the following title: "A 21-year-old girl died in the Armenia Medical Center, her mother reported that the girl's hands were tied and beaten", the "Armenia" Medical Center counters.

S.t. On October 5, around 23:40, citizen S.S. was admitted to "Armenia" hospital with symptoms of poisoning. During the preliminary examination, S.S. informed the doctor that he had taken 48 "Colchicine" pills. The patient was immediately transferred to the acute poisoning unit to begin treatment. After some time, the patient refused medical treatment and expressed his wish to leave the medical facility. Both the patient and their relatives are informed of the risks and consequences of leaving the facility, including possible death. However, unfortunately, both the patient and his relatives insisted on their wish. There is a resignation written by the patient's hand, under which the signature of the relatives is also placed.

The next day, on October 6, the patient was again transferred to the acute poisoning department of "Armenia" Medical Center in the most serious condition, from where he was transferred to the intensive care unit on October 7, in an extremely serious condition. From the moment of admission to "Armenia" Medical Center, the medical staff performed all the necessary medical actions, which, unfortunately, did not give results, and on October 8, around 11:20, the patient's biological death was recorded.

In cases of acute poisoning and a number of other cases, the medical procedures accepted both in Armenia and around the world provide for the restriction of the patient's mobility in order to neutralize the risk of self-harm, and in the case of loss of consciousness, the same international procedures provide for checking the presence of the patient's consciousness by causing pain or bringing the patient to consciousness. :

All the information related to this case and the necessary explanations were also given to the representatives of the RA Police, who visited "Armenia" Medical Center twice in connection with the above-mentioned case.

It is unfortunate that during that time, none of the media outlets or journalists who published untrue information contacted the management of "Armenia" MC in order to get an explanation and present the opinion of the other side. We urge the media to listen to all sides when covering such sensitive issues in order to convey complete and accurate information to the public. "Armenia" Medical Center expresses its readiness to cooperate with the media.

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