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Ruben Vardanyan's family calls on the international community to demand his unconditional release

The statement of Ruben Vardanyan's family:

"The Azerbaijani court has once again extended the period of preliminary detention of Ruben Vardanyan, the Armenian philanthropist, former Minister of State of Artsakh. Ruben Vardanyan has been illegally detained in Baku prison since September 27, 2023.

For eight months, the authorities of Azerbaijan have disregarded international law and human dignity, keeping Ruben Vardanyan in prison without trial and due process.

They continue to refuse to say when a proper trial or hearing will take place on their so-called "charges". This decision to extend Vardanyan's detention for another five months, without proper legal procedure, is another gross violation of fundamental human rights.

While the international pressure on Azerbaijan continues to intensify through the European Parliament resolution, the US Congress sanctions bill and the French Senate resolution, we, the Vardanyan family, call on the international community, representatives of governments, business and civil society, to demand the unconditional release of Ruben Vardanyan and the other 22 Armenian prisoners. release if Azerbaijan wants to retain the privilege of hosting COP 29, which Azerbaijan has declared as the "Peace COP".

"Multiple extensions of preventive detention without a personalized and specific decision to justify the refusal to release him on bail is another gross violation of Ruben Vardanyan's rights, according to the International Agreement on Civil and Political Rights, to which Azerbaijan is a member. The only explanation for the extension of the detention period is that this case is political and that Azerbaijan does not have any factual evidence against Ruben Vardanyan to convict him. Therefore, he should be released immediately and unconditionally," said Jared Genser, the international legal advisor of the Vardanyan family."


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