RA Minister of High Technological Industry Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, on February 16 at the invitation of the United States Minister of Foreign Affairs (UAE), took part in the "IDEX 2025" international defense conference in Abu Dhabi. Innovation, Integration and Resistance "at the International Defense Conference (IDC).
An official from the RA Ministry of High Technical Industry informed Armenpress, Minister Mkhitar Hayrapetyan made a speaker within the framework of panel discussion entitled "Mis Repertiation and Impact Operations".
The Minister presented Armenia's policy towards the fight against misinformation, it is not a new issue, but with new opportunities for modern technologies and new opportunities to develop information, which are very relevant not only for Armenia, but also for the whole world. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan presented. The policy of the Republic of Armenia in the fight against the use of Deepfakes, emphasizing the state-private sector-society connection, international cooperation in the field of cyber security, medical studies, facts and information security. The Minister also spoke about the strategic priorities of the RA Government, the RA BTA ministry, as well as the legislative changes, are made of prospects for cyber security, prospects for public and private sectors, increase of the accuracy of information systems. The minister was emphasized. In the current hyperworked world, the information has become a powerful weapon that can form perceptions, affect the behavior and even change world events. During the discussion, they touched upon the mechanisms through which state and non-state actors can change stories and spread misinformation affecting public opinion and political decisions.
At the Panel discussion, the Minister also spoke about the importance of artificial intelligence, machining, data analysis, blockex technologies, facts and international cooperation. It was also mentioned about the Memorandum of Understanding signed in Paris between the French Ministry of Industry and the French Ministry of High Technological Industry, which is aimed at promoting innovations due to artificial intelligence in Armenia. Mkhitar Hayrapetyan stressed that Armenia is ready to be actively involved in international initiatives, cooperate with partners and overcome the current challenges of information security.
The Panel Discussion is converted by Kevin Donegan, the former Commander of the Central Command of the United States (Naval Forces) and the Fifth Navy. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory. Authority (Pemra)) Director, Lyisa Past, Former Cyber Security Director of the Republic of Estonia, Executive Director of the DSMC (Defense Services Marketing Council) in the Space and Security Council The Defense Conference and Exhibition, which is considered one of the most important strategic events of the Middle East and the North African region.
"IDEX" is the only international defense exhibition in the Middle East, where the latest technologies in the fields of land, marine and air defense are presented.