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Durov issued statement for first time after his arrest

Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has hit out at French authorities, calling his arrest last week in relation to allegations of insufficient moderation on the messaging app “misguided.” In his first public statement since he was detained, he denied claims that Telegram is “some sort of anarchic paradise” as “absolutely untrue.” In Mr Durov’s statement, which he published on Telegram, he said holding him responsible for crimes committed by third parties on the platform was both a “surprising” and “misguided approach”. “If a country is unhappy with an Internet service, the established practice is to start a legal action against the service itself,” the Russian-born billionaire, who is also a French national, said. “Using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach.” “Building technology is hard enough as it is. No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools,” he added. While he conceded that Telegram was not perfect, he said French authorities had several ways to get in touch with him and with Telegram, and that the app has an official representative in the EU. “The claims in some media that Telegram is some sort of anarchic paradise are absolutely untrue. We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day,” he insisted. Mr Durov was arrested on 25 August at an airport north of Paris and has since been charged over suspected complicity in allowing illicit transactions, drug trafficking, fraud and the spread of child sex abuse images to flourish on his site.


In such a situation, the detention mediation is simply an absurd absurdity. Aram Vardanyan
If we were an honorable community, we would force a few tens of thousands of Armenians. Hovhannes Avetisyan
The citizens who were outraged by the arrest of Gharib Babayan closed the North-South highway (video)
Let no one belong to those who were Iranian citizens or the video for one month's antiquity. Artak Beglaryan
It is a tense situation in the courthouse (video)
This is comparable to the shameful trial of Artsakh leaders in Baku. Union of Armenians of Russia
The future of Ukraine is endangered. political scientist
I urge Gathering near the Ajapnyak court in support of Gharib Babayan. Vardan Ghukasyan (video)
They want to detain the Armenian man who complained to the Azeris who turned unhindered in our country
Girls calls for a suspension of NATO activities
The NSS initiated a case not in the "Republic-Karabakh" square, but against the popular Armenian. Armen Ayvazyan
We head to Nazarbekyan 40. Kristine Vardanyan
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In such a situation, the detention mediation is simply an absurd absurdity. Aram Vardanyan

This is comparable to the shameful trial of Artsakh leaders in Baku. Union of Armenians of Russia

I urge Gathering near the Ajapnyak court in support of Gharib Babayan. Vardan Ghukasyan (video)

They want to detain the Armenian man who complained to the Azeris who turned unhindered in our country

The NSS initiated a case not in the "Republic-Karabakh" square, but against the popular Armenian. Armen Ayvazyan

We head to Nazarbekyan 40. Kristine Vardanyan

The new Federal Government of Belgium has called on Azerbaijan to secure the safe return of Artsakh Armenians

France-Armenia Friendship Group (photo) has been established in the French parliament

With these statements, you are deeply injured in the historical reality of us and distorted. The Assembly of Armenians in Belgium responded to Pashinyan

He stressed the proposal to operate the railway stretching from Tavush to Azerbaijan. Ashotyan about Pashinyan

The French newspaper referred to Ruben Vardanyan's trial (video)

The action of the boycott is getting hotter. Politicians are also next to citizens (video)

These authorities will soon have control in Armenia soon. Gorg Stepanyan (video)

Straight. The young people also joined the protest against the price of transport

The Republic of Armenia will be destroyed. Gagik Hambaryan (video)

The main task of this country is the head of state. Ruben Melkonyan (video)

These authorities are only prices for prices. Andranik Tevanyan (video)

How much is the amount of the fine in case of a boycott of transport? Samvel Hakobyan clarifies (video)

Aliyev needs this historic trial, regardless of the Nagorno-Karabakh page. Le parisien

The decisions of their robbery prequise are trying to make a reality. Sona Aghekyan (video)