"Hraparak" newspaper writes:
"The strained relationship between Syunik Marz Governor Robert Ghukasyan and Kapan Mayor Gevorg Parsyan has also started to irritate the employees of the Marzpetarana, the heads of the institutions under the municipality's authority, who have found themselves between two rocks and have become cautious and are doing everything like a tightrope walker, so that neither of the two officials can see do not become a thorn.
The day before, on the same day, at almost the same time, the governor organized a separate party, inviting school principals, employees of the Ministry of Education, employees of other institutions under the jurisdiction of the governor's office to a restaurant, and the mayor of Kapan, Parsyan, also organized a festive event to light the city's Christmas tree, which most of the invited people could not participate in. due to participation in the governor's event.
"It's not pretty, especially in the border town of Syunik, when external challenges are hanging over our heads, and we are witnessing internal turmoil," said our interlocutor.