Zelensky signs law on social and economic guarantees during Covid-19 pandemic
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President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the law on providing additional social and economic guarantees during the coronavirus quarantine, according to the president’s press service.
"President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has signed the Law ‘On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine aimed at providing additional social and economic guarantees due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19),’ No.540-IX, which Parliament approved on March 30, 2020,” reads the statement.

The document provides for additional social and economic guarantees to support citizens and businesses during the fight against the coronavirus spread in Ukraine. The law, in particular, provides for an extra payment of up to 300% of salary for doctors and other healthcare workers involved in the treatment of patients with Covid-19, and an extra payment of up to 100% of salary for social protection workers who provide services to citizens who stay at home.

In addition, the government is entitled to set price limits for anti-epidemic and socially significant goods during the quarantine period. The law also stipulates that operations on imports to Ukraine of medicines, medical devices and equipment to counteract the coronavirus, as well as their deliveries are exempt from VAT payments.

The document also provides for the payment of partial unemployment benefits to employees of small and medium-sized enterprises, and retention of their jobs during quarantine. The document also simplifies the remote work process for the employees who can work from home.

The document also prohibits raising interest rates on all loan agreements. Moreover, consumer loans taken prior 2017 are temporarily exempt from fines and penalty taxes.

At the same time, the law introduces an increase of limits for groups of single tax payers of individuals - entrepreneurs: the first group - from UAH 300 thousand to UAH 1 million, the second group - from UAH 1.5 million to UAH 5 million, the third group - from UAH 5 million to UAH 7 million.