Ukraine, EU sign five financial agreements
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Ukraine and the European Union have signed five financial agreements in support of the Ukrainian side.
The signing ceremony took place at the 21st EU-Ukraine Summit in Kyiv on Monday, July 8, according to an Ukrinform correspondent.

In particular, an agreement was signed between the government of Ukraine and the European Commission to finance the U-LEAD with Europe: Ukraine – Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development Programme – Phase II.

The agreement is aimed at involving the EU in financing measures to improve the formation of regional policy and the expansion of the capacity for effective multilevel governance and stimulating the implementation of decentralization reform. The total EU contribution under the agreement is 40 million euros.

The purpose of an agreement between the government of Ukraine and the European Commission on financing the 2019 Technical Cooperation Program is to involve the EU in support of Ukraine in implementing key reforms and implementing the clauses of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the area of a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) in selected priority areas (agriculture, environment, energy, public procurement, business and investment climate, trade, and labor relations). The EU's total contribution under the agreement is 44 million euros.

The sides also signed an agreement on financing the Anti-Corruption Initiative – Phase II. The purpose of the agreement is to attract EU assistance to strengthen the fight against corruption at the national and local levels. The total budget of the agreement is 22.9 million euros.

An agreement was signed between the government of Ukraine and the European Commission on financing "Support for Civil Society and Culture."

The purpose of the agreement is to involve the European Union in enhancing the capacity of civil society organizations and cultural institutions to promote the development of accountable, transparent and democratic institutions, social and economic development, and prevent violent conflicts. The total EU contribution under the agreement is 10 million euros.

An additional agreement was signed between the government of Ukraine and the European Commission on amendments to the agreement on financing the "EU Support for the East of Ukraine."

The purpose of the agreement is to attract additional assistance from the European Union to finance measures to provide medium- and long-term support for Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as for the Sea of Azov region. The additional EU contribution under the agreement is 10 million euros.